Palmistry Vs Hand of God

16 Aug 2013

A thought just flash through…

Those who believe in palmistry, most of the time, (most) lives suck just by reading from our own hands.. why not get it change, get a re-birth, placing our hands onto the greater Hand… The Hand of God, Jesus - in the great exchanged (2000 years ago): His hands were pierced, so that our lives can be made whole and well.. Well, He went through hell and since risen to guarantee that!

And so the saying goes, whatever are placed in His Hand, are blessed.. So, place your hands in His and your life are blessed.. Every curse is broken..Protection from evil..Goodness & mercy will follow you all the days of your life..Importantly, your name is written in the Lamb Book of Life (in Heaven)..



Now read this

The Grace of God

This verses has been dwelling in my heart for awhile, not letting up yet; For if we are honest with ourselves, the effect of the Grace of God in our lives will/should lead us to these desires: Titus 2:11-12 ESV For the grace of God has... Continue →