I serve because i love Him… Really?

i was reading back my journal recently, out of a heart of gratitude, i sum up expressing my love for the Lord as i serve Him..

Nothing wrong with that, nonetheless, I’m reminded that i love Him because He first loved me.

In the same way, when i serve Him in any form of activities for his glory… I serve because He first loved me. I am only responding back in actions. How well i served, dependent on how much revelation of His love toward me.

My love for Him fluctuates, if i continue serving Him base on how much i love Him, I’m sure to get burn out, take offence easily in the process and even give up eventually cos it’s just too hard to continue loving God 24/7, without an ‘off’ day(s).




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5 Aug 2014 I just had a thought… you know the recent or in fact, is a known thing about Singapore’s sport arena stands - As long sportsman holds pink IC, regardless where they from they represent Singapore. So, in that same context,... Continue →